20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

People who study education at university but DO NOT want to be a teacher...

If this subject attracts you;
If you went to anatolian teachers training school with misunderstanding;
If you've thought even once 'if I did be anything,I would be a teacher' ;
If you have a big difficulty in choosing teaching or translating;
If you would study another subjects or just sleep at education lessons ;
If you look with nervous at people who say "teaching is the most comfortable job,it has 3 month-holiday,weekend holiday,snow-holiday... etc.." ;
If you are at a loss to be at this department and moreover don't know what to do after graduation...
So we can go somewhere to drink ;))
Anyway..But this irritates my mind really much.I don't know why I'm here.I just came with the thought 'I won't be a teacher after graduated from Metu..'
I just want to be a tourist guide or a administator of hotel or something like that..Yes I just wanted to share my thoughts and hopelessness... :/

19 Ekim 2008 Pazar


I want to tell something about my best poet ever.He is Cemal SÜREYA,by his real name : Cemalettin SEBER.He was born in 1931 in Erzincan and died on 9th January 1990.Unfortunately we could never lived at same time.If I could met with him,I would accept myself the luckiest person of the world.He studied finance at university and began to work as a finance inspector.During this career he wrote some poems and articles published on magazines such as Aydınlık,Papirüs,Saçak,Yeni Ulus,Oluşum.He wrote countless poems.His first poem was published on Mülkiye in 1958.He attended to İkinci Yeni Movement according to his poems' types,meaning features and contents.Although he was against traditions,he used traditions in his poems skillfully.He is one of the leaders of İkinci Yeni Movement with his striking expression,different usage of language,impressive words and rich accumulation.He has a distinctive poem language.
I want to tell also about his personal life.He married 4 times and lived in 29 different house.His very distinctive side of his life is being unadressed.He was a man of pleasure.He very liked drinking rakı with his friends.Moreover,one day,when he was drinking with Ülkü Tamer,they didn't find a common run and began a allegation.But Cemal Süreya lost the allegation and
in return for this he cast one of the letters Y from his lastname.It was originally SüreYYa.
He used love,hopelessness,catching love,disappointment and besides blue sky,pigeons,women,politics,İstanbul...
Finally I want to share with you few of my favorite poems of his.

"Şelaleye düşmüştür zeytinin dali...Celaliyim...Celalisin...Celali..."

"Fotoğraf çektirmek için yan yana getirilmiş iki nesne değiliz biz.
Güvercin curnatasında yan yana akan iki güverciniz
Mesafeler birleştirdi bizi bir de sözler
Razı olma hiçbir sessizliğe
Biliyorsun seni seviyorum
Pencereden bakmayı öğreteceğim sana..."

"Mutsuzluğumu yeterince haketmek için
geri döndüm kilometrelerce yürüdüm."

"...Kısacası o yıllarda ben
Hayatım karışık çantam gibi
İki kişiyi birden severdim
Karnemde sevinç bir, aşk iki..."

Metinlerde buluştuk, kopkoyu deyimlerde,
Koşut ve eşzamanlı okuduk kimi kitapları;
O arada iki de defterimiz oldu,
Biri babasına daha çok benziyor.
Bir türlü kotarılamayan uğraş,
Ç harfini daha yeni dönmüşüz,
Gözlerimizde İbni Sina bozukluğu,
Dostumuzsa, Bodrum'da,
Dönmez geri.
Uzaklardaydın,oracıkta,öbür kıtada,
Keşke yalnız bunun için sevseydim seni...


The city where I can breathe...
The city where I was born...
The city where I've lived for 6 years...
The city which I miss so much...

The city which is pearl of Marmara Region...
The city with rough streets...
The streets with sea smelling...
The sea with kinds of fish...
The fish with Rakı...
Rakı from delicious grapes...
Delicious grapes from abundant farms...

Abundant farms of sunflowers,wheats,corns,cherries...
Warm-blooded people,helpful,friendly,hospitable,enjoyable,communicative,honest...
Omitted 'H's :), 'Üjj Bejj's region.. :)

Yes after my small fabrication poem,I want to tell the other things about my hometown.
Its name had changed in history with occupations.Its known the oldest name is Bisanthe named in Heredotus'
historical map.And after Pers' beating its name changed to Rhaedestus.Today by Europeans Tekirdag is known as Rodosto.And after Ottomans conquered Tekirdağ,They named there as Rodoscuk.After some time they began to say Tekfurdagi (not known why) and after Turkish Republic it converted into Tekirdag.
It lies on the north-west coast of Marmara Sea.Also between Istanbul and Edirne.Its centrum is next to the sea.So this constitutes a wonderful scene.
When summer comes,to Tekirdag a flow of tourists wellcome,both from Turkey and from abroad.For Hungarian People,Tekirdag means friend city (I will tell the story of this another time) because of Rakoczi Museum.
In addition,Tekirdag is known as '3 Kemaller Diyarı' dedicated to Mustafa Kemal Atatü
rk,Namık Kemal and Yahya Kemal Beyatlı.
I differed that I didn't tell you about Kofte, "Tekirdag Koftesi"...It is such a delicious and famous food that people from different cities come to Tekirdag just to eat it.

More to say,Tekirdag has one of Turkey's numbered beaches with blue flags.This beach is Sarköy Beach.It is really clean,you can see fish even in deep.

As for me,I miss there too much...Its atmosphere,water is different.There is not too much things to do,but just looking at the sea is enough to feel relaxed for me.I miss sea very much also.I sticked some sea photos on my wall and look them to feel relieved...I'm looking forward to go home,my home Tekirdag..

* Reed Flute *

It was last Friday that I first took in my hands a reed flute (Ney).Three weeks before, I saw a post with big letters 'ÇAL !' and thought about this.What can I play?A violin ? A guitar ? No,no..It must be different.So..A reed flute ! Yes,this is what I want to play.Anyway,in two weeks period it got a joy subject.When I told to my friends "Ney'e başlıyorum,biliyor musunuz?",they answered me"Neye söylesene?", "Neye başlıyorsun?" ,"Neyy?" ...and such things :) First I didn't know why I did choose this instrument,but then I found the answer.It is really different than the others..You can play enjoyable songs nearly with all instruments (as far as I know),but with reed flute..NO..Pain,the world which is unknown,death,grief are what is born from HER..And this is what I want.And anyway my first lesson...Ohh!It was really disheartening experience at first...In 1,5 hours of 2 hours-lesson I could NOT sound at all! No SOUND ! And I thought while trying again and again I must drop this,it is not suitable for me...And then Yes! I carried out...I did it..again and again :) How a big happiness..I can't tell.That night I tried again and again with a bottle to sound a same sound (as our teacher said:) )Now I will buy my dear Reed-Flute in this week(if mum send me money :) ) and I hope I can give a mini concert to you at the end of the year (of 2009:)))

15 Ekim 2008 Çarşamba

About myself (:

My name's Ezgi.I was born in Tekirdag,on 27th August of 1990.I hadn't got a sedentary life till 2002.Because of father's job we had to move different cities in every two or three years.I lived in Diyarbakır,Bursa,Kırklareli,Burdur,İstanbul and at the end now live in Tekirdağ.Mother is a teacher in Tekirdağ,Father died six years ago.I have a brother three years younger than me.
First I began Edirne Anatolian Teachers Training High School and then after 2 years I came bact to my home and continued Tekirdağ A.T.T.H.S.I stayed in dormitory in Edirne so I don't have difficulty in living here now.
I'd like to live a peaceful,relaxed,interesting and enjoyable life (as everbody'd like :).For this reason I want to live in a small Aegean town and work as a tourist guide or a tourism administator.
I like travelling and meeting new places,people,discovering new musics,musicians,learning about authors' life,reading poems etc.
My bests of about music Damien Rice,Sonata Arctica,Buena Vista Social Club,Pearl Jam,Led Zeppelin,Charlie Parker,David Bowie,Eagles and so on..
My favorite authors are Oya Baydar and J.D. Salinger.And favorite poet is Cemal Süreya.Best drink is tea and best food is fish.....
I think that's enough for now (:

13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

La Habitacion de Fermat (the film)

I want to share the film that I watched last week -La Habitacion de Fermat-.Originally it's a Spanish made film but also known as 'Fermat's Room' in English and 'Kapan' in Turkish.
The film tells the story of 5 mathematicians who have different stories,carreers and abilities in maths,logic,physics and so on.Until the end of the film or until the last 20 minutes, all the things you catch or know about these 5 people can hoax you.Because all the story is getting true at the end.I don't tell you all the things about film(I just want you to watch it),already I can't cause somebody may watch it.But I can say that if they want to survive,they HAVE TO answer all the questions..That's all for now.Watch =)