19 Ekim 2008 Pazar


I want to tell something about my best poet ever.He is Cemal SÜREYA,by his real name : Cemalettin SEBER.He was born in 1931 in Erzincan and died on 9th January 1990.Unfortunately we could never lived at same time.If I could met with him,I would accept myself the luckiest person of the world.He studied finance at university and began to work as a finance inspector.During this career he wrote some poems and articles published on magazines such as Aydınlık,Papirüs,Saçak,Yeni Ulus,Oluşum.He wrote countless poems.His first poem was published on Mülkiye in 1958.He attended to İkinci Yeni Movement according to his poems' types,meaning features and contents.Although he was against traditions,he used traditions in his poems skillfully.He is one of the leaders of İkinci Yeni Movement with his striking expression,different usage of language,impressive words and rich accumulation.He has a distinctive poem language.
I want to tell also about his personal life.He married 4 times and lived in 29 different house.His very distinctive side of his life is being unadressed.He was a man of pleasure.He very liked drinking rakı with his friends.Moreover,one day,when he was drinking with Ülkü Tamer,they didn't find a common run and began a allegation.But Cemal Süreya lost the allegation and
in return for this he cast one of the letters Y from his lastname.It was originally SüreYYa.
He used love,hopelessness,catching love,disappointment and besides blue sky,pigeons,women,politics,İstanbul...
Finally I want to share with you few of my favorite poems of his.

"Şelaleye düşmüştür zeytinin dali...Celaliyim...Celalisin...Celali..."

"Fotoğraf çektirmek için yan yana getirilmiş iki nesne değiliz biz.
Güvercin curnatasında yan yana akan iki güverciniz
Mesafeler birleştirdi bizi bir de sözler
Razı olma hiçbir sessizliğe
Biliyorsun seni seviyorum
Pencereden bakmayı öğreteceğim sana..."

"Mutsuzluğumu yeterince haketmek için
geri döndüm kilometrelerce yürüdüm."

"...Kısacası o yıllarda ben
Hayatım karışık çantam gibi
İki kişiyi birden severdim
Karnemde sevinç bir, aşk iki..."

Metinlerde buluştuk, kopkoyu deyimlerde,
Koşut ve eşzamanlı okuduk kimi kitapları;
O arada iki de defterimiz oldu,
Biri babasına daha çok benziyor.
Bir türlü kotarılamayan uğraş,
Ç harfini daha yeni dönmüşüz,
Gözlerimizde İbni Sina bozukluğu,
Dostumuzsa, Bodrum'da,
Dönmez geri.
Uzaklardaydın,oracıkta,öbür kıtada,
Keşke yalnız bunun için sevseydim seni...

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